Sunday, September 29, 2013


For a Graphic Design project I am using an image I made of a Vegas showgirl.

Mythical Creatures Alphabet

Final project from Illustration 371B. We had to paint 26 images (one for each letter of the alphabet) using a whatever theme we wanted. I chose to do mythical creatures and monsters for each letter.

A for Alien
B for Bigfoot
C for Cerberus
D for Dragon

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I did this for History of Prints and Drawings two semesters ago. As a class activity we got to try printmaking and we needed to draw a picture we would use to print. Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite video games so I decided to make prints of one of the game's playable characters, Zer0. That was the only fun day I had in that class. The rest of the class was just lectures and most of the time I was just trying desperately to stay awake.

Bored Girl and Chip Guy

For my Illustration A class we would go to the Starbucks on campus and draw people that we saw. One time I noticed a girl that looked so bored she was about to pass out. I also noticed a guy eating his bag of chips, he looked completely oblivious to everything that was going on. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Quick sketch I did for Intro to Graphic Design. It's an Elvis impersonator drinking but, I'm not sure it even looks like an Elvis impersonator anymore. I have to design a label for a 8.4 oz can and I think I want to use an Elvis impersonator in some way.